Specialized Care for Diabetic Feet in Auckland

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Treatment feet of a diabetic

Diabetes results in impairment of both the circulation and the nerves, and therefore sensation. Impaired circulation means a poorer blood supply to all the tissues of the feet and an increased healing time, leaving the body vulnerable to infection. Impaired sensation leaves the feet at risk of undetectable damage, which paired with a slow healing rate and the susceptibility to infection puts them at risk of ulceration, further infection and amputation. In fact, diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic amputation in the world. Unfortunately, this also means that even common foot problems and tasks can be dangerous for people with diabetes due to these increased vulnerabilities and risks. A simple and pain free examination will determine whether you are at low risk or high risk of developing serious problems and complications.

Podiatrist examines diabetic foot for early detection and prevention of complications.

Doctor examine the patient's foot

General diabetic foot assessments

The effects of diabetes on the feet can get progressively worse. Having regular diabetic foot assessments to check the status of your feet and allow the monitoring of your feet over time, your podiatrist will be able to provide timely advice based on the symptoms you are currently experiencing. We assess your changes in sensation and circulation, alongside your overall foot health. While the consequences of diabetes on your feet can be severe, they don’t have to be. Checking their feet every day, knowing what to look out for and caring for your feet can greatly minimize the risk of serious foot complications. We are able to provide the following; Vascular assessment (using a Doppler US device), Neurological assessment (using a monofilament device and cotton balls), Musckuloskeletal assessment (using hands) and a Dermatological assessment (observation).

Cracked Skin or Fissuring

Cracked heels don’t just crack the hard skin of the foot but also the soft, vulnerable tissue beneath. If there’s a break in the skin – which you may or may not be able to feel if your sensation is impaired – bacteria can enter the foot and can cause infection which can have serious consequences. Your podiatrist may use a scalpel and a blade to clear the area, heel cream including the ingredient Urea is also recommended. Orthotics may be helpful in this case, as it may reduce the pressure on the heel.

Bare Feet

Bare Feet while one of the toes injured

Foot ulcers

Ulcers are an area of skin that is broken and is taking longer than normal to heal. Not getting treatment for your ulcer can result in them increasing in size and developing an infection or gangrene, which in turn can lead to you losing a limb (amputation). This is especially important in diabetes where impaired healing means it can take months (and even longer) for an ulcer to heal. Each day that an ulcer or wound stays open is another day of massive risk to their feet and legs. Wound dressing and a referrals to a to vascular team may be required.

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