How can we help?

Fungal nails (Onychomycosis)

Onychomycosis, or tinea unguium, is a fungal infection of the nail caused by dermatophytes, yeast, and mould. It more frequently affects the toenails than the fingernails and is characterised by nail thickening, splitting, roughening, and discolouration. We can treat varying degrees of nail fungus with as little as 4 sequential 12-minute procedures of cold laser.

Corns and calluses

It's common for these types of lesions to develop under the foot, on top of the toe joints, at the ends of or between the toes. Corns will often appear as cone-shaped bumps on the surface of the skin. Calluses are broader, flat thickenings on the skin.

Biomechanical assessment

Biomechanical treatment is the term used for any musculoskeletal injury. This includes, but is not limited to achilles tendon, heel pain, morton's neuroma and posterior tibial tendon. As podiatrists we will assess foot function, anatomical structure and lower limb biomechanics in order to determine the cause of your pain and discomfort.

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the toenail, usually the big toe, grows into the skin next to it (called the lateral nail fold). We will help minimise discomfort and provide an effective solution.

Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain is a tear or partial tear in the ligaments of the ankle. It is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries in people of all ages.

Nail care

We offer safe nail care for patients presenting with problematic toenails.

High risk and diabetic feet

When you have diabetes you are more at risk of having foot and lower limb problems and complications. This typically happens due to nerve damage, or neuropathy, in the feet and toes. This is where your podiatrist can help.


Foot orthotics are intended to correct abnormal, or irregular walking patterns that contribute to stressed and tired joints and muscles. When orthotics are expertly fitted, they can make a significant difference to your pain levels and rate of recovery.

Adult heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the bands of tissue that connect your heel to your toes. Treatment may include physical therapy and orthotics.


Verrucas also known as warts are caused due to HPV (Human papilloma virus). There are different ways to treat this using either salicylic acid or silver nitrate.

Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy describes damage to the achilles tendon, the thick band that connects the muscles at the back of your leg to the back of your heel bone. The achilles tendon plays an important role in helping us walk and run, so this damage can make it more difficult to perform daily tasks.

Call to book an appointment (09) 801 2211

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