Ingrown nails

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Treatment for Ingrown Toenails

Our expert team of podiatrists are able to assist with this painful condition, to get you back on your feet again. If you have recurrent pain or infections, then you might benefit from a permanent procedure to resolve this condition once and for all. Our clinic provides quick and painless solutions to manage your Ingrown toenail with minimal down time.

Doctor is taking care of patient feet

What is an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail occurs when the side of the nail curls down and grows into the flesh or the tissue on the side of the nail. It commonly presents in the big toe, though any toenail can be affected. The first signs of an ingrown toenail are tenderness at the side of the nail, redness and mild swelling. When an ingrown toenail is left untreated it may lead to a very painful infection.

Visiting a podiatrist is the best way to diagnose, treat and prevent ingrown toenails.

What causes an Ingrown Toenail?

While many people inherit the tendency to develop ingrown toenails these are a few common causes of an ingrown toenail:

  • Incorrect toenail trimming technique
  • Trauma
  • Poor foot function or gait
  • Incorrectly fitting footwear

Doctor examine the patient's foot

General diabetic foot assessments

The effects of diabetes on the feet can get progressively worse. Having regular diabetic foot assessments to check the status of your feet and allow the monitoring of your feet over time, your podiatrist will be able to provide timely advice based on the symptoms you are currently experiencing. We assess your changes in sensation and circulation, alongside your overall foot health. While the consequences of diabetes on your feet can be severe, they don’t have to be. Checking their feet every day, knowing what to look out for and caring for your feet can greatly minimize the risk of serious foot complications. We are able to provide the following; Vascular assessment (using a Doppler US device), Neurological assessment (using a monofilament device and cotton balls), Musckuloskeletal assessment (using hands) and a Dermatological assessment (observation).

Ingrown Toenail Treatment at Clear Step Podiatry

Our Podiatrist’s will assess your condition and discuss all potential treatment options that could be effective for you. Most ingrown toenails can be treated without surgical means, but in severe cases, toenail surgery may be needed to correct this issue. If you have a mild ingrown toenail, or have never had this problem before conservative treatment is the best option for you.

Bare Feet

Conservative Treatment

The podiatrist will remove a small wedge of the nail to improve the problem. The nail will then be filed to ensure no further ingrown toenails occur and a topical antibiotic may be applied. Antibiotics may be needed from your doctor if an infection is present. Our podiatrists may recommend ongoing maintenance, depending on the shape of the toenail, severity and duration of the ingrown toenail.

Ingrown Toenail Nail Surgery (PNA)

Minor nail surgery may be required if a patient has a severe or recurring issue with ingrown toenails. Minor surgery is called Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA). This involves a local anesthetic skillfully administrated by your Podiatrist to ensure the surgery is pain free. The section of the nail plate is removed, and a chemical technique called phenolisaton is used to prevent the nail becoming ingrown in the future. Recovery time is around 3-6 weeks and you will be required to attend the clinic for a couple of dressing changes post treatment and a final checkup

The podiatrist will provide you with post care advice and information on ways to avoid an ingrown toenail recurring in the future.

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