At Clear Step Podiatry we offer quality care for a broad range of conditions including: foot pain, heel pain, corns and calluses, warts, fungal nail infections, shin splints, sports injuries, knee pain, bunions, cracked heels, arch pain, ingrown toenails, flat feet, growing pains, diabetes and sports injuries.


Initial Podiatry Consultation
Cold Laser Consultation for Nail Fungus
Identify the CAUSE of your PROBLEM and find the best SOLUTION possible

To help us carefully and thoroughly assess and plan your treatment, please bring any relevant medical records with you to your consultation.



General Podiatry icon
General Podiatry

We treat a number of skin and nail conditions which can cause pain and discomfort. We'll address your podiatric concerns and help you to take care of your feet, regardless of your age or health status.

Fungal Nails icon
Fungal Nails

We bring new hope to people suffering from painful, discoloured and disfigured nails associated with nail fungus. Using cold laser, results can be visible in as few as 4 weekly 12-minute sessions. We'll educate you on how to maximise healing and protect against reinfection.

Sports Podiatry icon
Sports Podiatry

Muscle tightness, repetitive movements, over-training or failure to warm up before exercise can all lead to foot and lower leg injuries. We specialise in treating acute and chronic pain in patients of all ages.

High Risk & Diabetic Feet icon
High Risk & Diabetic Feet

Our team is devoted to the study and treatment of the foot, ankle, knee, leg and hip, particularly in low-risk and high-risk patients. Regular appointments are necessary to detect problems early and prevent ulcers and other complications.


Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?

A referral provides us with a basic summary of the concern, results obtained to date, as well as any specific requests. We can provide a tailored care plan and liaise closely with your preferred doctor. However, a referral from a doctor is not necessary. If you have been given a referral for podiatry and need to make an appointment you can contact Clear Step Podiatry by calling your nearest clinic directly on (09) 801 2211

Can I use my private health insurance?

Providing accessible and effective care to all of our patients is our top priority. Many podiatry treatments are claimable for those with private health insurance (with relevant extra covers). In order to do same day claiming, please remember to bring your private health insurance card to your appointment. Your clinician will be able to manage your private health insurance balance, claims and payments easily. On the spot claiming will significantly reduce your out of pocket expense. Clear Step Podiatry and its podiatrists are affiliated with registered private health insurance companies including NIB, Southern Cross Health Society.

What is your cancellation policy?

Your appointment is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a gap in our podiatrist’s schedule that could have been filled by another patient on the waitlist for an appointment.

We require at least 24 hours notice to be given an appointment cancellation.

If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, or do not attend your booked treatment, we reserve the right to charge your account a fee of $50. Payable at your next appointment. In case of pre-paid treatments, one pre-paid treatment will be forfeited from your treatment package. As a courtesy, we will send you an email to confirm the date and time 48 hours prior to your booking. You will also receive a reminder text message 24 hours prior to your booking. If you are running late, the clinic reserves the right to shorten your treatment time to ensure that our therapists are not late for their next following client. Please be certain of the services you are purchasing. Refunds cannot be offered for change of mind. Refunds cannot be offered if you are moving or your situation has changed. Your treatment outcome is dependent upon many external factors outside of our control. Given these external factors, we cannot guarantee individual results or the number of treatments required. All treatment results are disclosed on this website and are confirmed in writing during your consultation. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the service you have received, please bring it to the immediate attention of your podiatrist who will refer your concern to senior management. If you can’t find the answer to your question please contact us on (09) 801 2211

Do you treat children's feet?

Yes, we treat children’s feet. It is always important to check in with your children to ensure they have no pain or concerns with their feet. Sometimes kids aren’t the greatest communicators and it might be observations by a parent, family member or friend that notices something unusual or slightly different about a child’s feet.

Children’s feet are constantly changing as they grow so it is very common to have different concerns at various ages. As podiatrists specialise in the treatment of conditions and diseases of the foot, ankle and lower limbs as we are very familiar with the developmental milestones and typical presentations of paediatric feet (children’s feet). Our role is significant in recognising any atypical foot presentations and appropriately diagnosing and managing them. This may include musculoskeletal and gait or general nail and skin conditions. Podiatrists are also here to prevent paediatric foot conditions from intensifying as children transition into adulthood.

How long will the session take?

The length of your appointment depends on the type of treatment you require. Your appointment will begin with a 30 – 60 minute consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced podiatrists. This includes detailed medical history and information collection in relation to your concern or injury. One of our friendly team members will discuss this with you to gain an understanding of the time you require when booking your consultation. Subsequent appointments generally require 30 minutes.

It is advised to arrive 5 – 10 minutes early to complete any required forms.

Please bring shoes you wear most frequently to your appointment, such as work shoes or gym sneakers etc. Please also bring with you any previous medical imaging of your feet or legs, such as x-rays, ultrasounds, CT and MRI. If you currently or have previously worn inserts or orthotics, please also bring these to your appointment (whether they were helpful or not).

If you can’t find the answer to your question please contact us on (09) 801 2211

Does ACC cover Podiatry Services?

Clear Step Podiatry is an ACC accredited podiatry practice. At Clear Step Podiatry our podiatrists are committed to providing you with the best treatment plan that will set you in the best position to reclaim your health back in the shortest period of time.

If you have an ACC claim number through an old injury or have been given one by another health professional, you can bring it with you to your appointment. If you’ve suffered an injury and lodged a claim with ACC, please bring your claim number with you for the podiatry treatment we can provide. This will allow you to get back on your feet again as quickly as possible. If you don’t have an ACC claim for your injury, our podiatrists can organise registration and processing at our clinic.

Podiatry treatments that may be eligible under ACC at Clear Step Podiatry incur Only a $40 surcharge:

  • Podiatry Consultations
  • Follow up Consultations
  • Orthotics (a surcharge will apply for Exos & Customised Orthotics)

If you have an ACC covered injury, you may be eligible to have your Orthotics funded by ACC.

Contact Clear Step Podiatry today and one of our podiatrists will be happy to discuss your case with you.


Gold Standard Treatment
One Team
Open & Honest

Clear Step Podiatry proudly operates in association with Clear Nail Laser Clinics – Australia and New Zealand’s only specialist clinic dedicated to treating fungal nail infections using cold laser therapy.

Or give us a call (09) 801 2211


Clear Step Podiatry: Expert Foot Care for Pain Relief and Fungal Nail Solutions